Low vision services are provided by Seescape on behalf of NHS to help you make the most of your vision, by investigating the difficulties you are having, and recommending equipment or techniques that can help overcome these difficulties.
This might be with magnifying glasses or devices, learning new ways of using your vision to maximise what vision you have or through sight impairment registration.
The low vision service will include a full low vision assessment with a low vision practitioner, who will assess your needs and your level of vision.
If deemed necessary we can refer you onto other services within Seescape such as emotional support, rehabilitation services/mobility training or technology support.
If you feel like this would be of benefit to you, you can contact your ophthalmologist (eye doctor), optometrist (optician) or GP to ask for a referral to our low vision service.
Glaucoma clinic: We run this clinic on behalf of the hospital, patients attend via hospital referral from the glaucoma department.