Our Sight Support Team can help you develop the skills and techniques that will help you live independently in your own home. We will cover everyday activities such as cooking, getting around and general household chores and can advise you on the appropriate use of equipment and gadgets.
You will receive initial contact from our Duty Worker as well as a telephone assessment which may include a low vision assessment to identify aids to assist with reading, crafting and watching television.
We can also offer individual assessments and one-to-one training in the use of appropriate canes, independent travel and route planning, as well as advice on general road safety, use of public transport and confidence building. This also includes helping to advise employers the best equipment that can help in the workplace with your day-to-day job.
Our team can assess your needs by visiting you at home or over the phone. Working with you on an individual basis, we will help you boost your independence through training in living skills and assistive aids.
We can also help with standard magnification and when this is not suitable or no longer allowing clients to read clearly, our sight support team can provide demonstrations of portable electronic magnifiers which provide greater magnification as well as enhanced colour contrast.
Our team also works alongside partner organisations who can offer demonstrations of a wide range of electronic aids for home and on the move. This may also include specialist computer software.